Лексические трансформации в переводе


При переводе данного текста из истории Англии следует обратить особое внимание на случаи применения приема целостного преобразования, начиная со второго абзаца.

English Share in Slave Trade

A distinguished modern historian, after careful comparison of the materials we possess declares that in the century preceding the prohibition of the slave trade by the American Congress in 1776, the number of Negroes imported by the English alone into Spanish, French and English Colonies, on the lowest computation, had been little less than three million, and that we must add a quarter of million who perished on the voyage and whose bodies were thrown into the Atlantic.

The figures ait in themselves sufficiently eloquent No human imagination, indeed, can conceive, no pen can adequately portray the misery they represent. Torn from the most distant parts of Africa, speaking no common language, connected by no tie, except that of common misfortune, severed from every association and from all they loved, and exchanging in many cases a life of unbounded freedom for a hopeless, abject and crushing servitude, the wretched captives were carried across the waste of waters in ships so crowded and so unhealthy that even under favourable circumstances, about twelve in every hundred died from the horrors of the passage

They had no knowledge, no rights, no protection against the caprices of irresponsible power. Difference of colour and difference of religion led their masters to look upon them simply as beasts of burden and the supply of slaves was too abundant to allow the motive of self interest to be any considerable security for then good treatment. Often indeed it seemed that interest of the master was rathei to work them rapidly to death and then to replenish his stock. All Africa was convulsed by civil wars and infested with bands of native slave-dealers hunting down victims for the English trader, whose blasting influence like some malignant providence, extended over mighty regions where the face of a white man was never seen. (Lecky. History of England in the XVIII Century, vol. II, p. 13—14)

Рассмотрим прием целостного преобразования иа практике перевода текста «Доля Англии в работорговле». В предшествующих текстах мы неоднократно встречались с необходимостью лексических трансформаций, но все они имели частный характер, так как какая-то часть высказывания переводилась словарными соответствиями или контекстуальными вариантами. Первый абзац рассматриваемого текста тоже не составляет исключения в этом отношении. Весь этот длинный период, состоящий примерно из восьмидесяти слов, переводится *без существенных изменений и без каких-либо трансформаций.

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