Теория закономерных соответствий и её применение на практике

Among the multitude of English words Shakespeare himself used fewer than 25,000, Milton was content with 12,000 and Basic English makes shift with 850 How many words is it expedient that a young student should know — or at any rate should have means of knowing — and how are they to be selected? Professor Thorndike's reply is that 25,000 words are sufficient for the Junior dictionary and 50,000 for the Senior, and if we remember that about 3,000 words constitute the core of the language and do 95 per cent of the words of expression and communication, the number seems ample.

As for the means of selection, the words chosen should be those which the student most frequently hears, most frequently comes across in his reading, and most frequently uses in speaking and writing.. (Thorndike. English Dictionary)

Задание № 3

Раскрытие контекстуальных значении слов
Зависимость перевода слова от широкого контекста

(Первое слово dossers переводится не словарным соответствием, а в зависимости от контекста)


Dossers1 sleep fitfully inside their cardboard boxes. In riverside gardens all park benches are full

There are 31,137 hostel and lodging house beds in Britain, the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys states. The single homeless population is thought to approach 100,000. In London eight Government reception centres provide shelter for 1,500 single homeless people. A similar number are estimated to sleep outdoors.

The last theatre-goers made their way home. Most trains had come to rest at their platforms, carriages darkened, with just a car darting among the mail-bags. Across Waterloo Bridge came two men sporting violin cases and bow ties, after the concert.

1. Dossers — бездомные «клиенты» ночлежных домов (словарь Мюллера).

Страницы: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

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